Support Us
Individual Gifts (Annual)
MADRIGAL: Up to $99
MOTET: $100—$249
CANTATA: $250—$499
CHORALE: $500—$999
ORATORIO: $1,000 and up
Matching Gifts
Grow your gift! There are a number of Companies that support a corporate sponsored matching gift program. Some of them are listed below.
Genworth Financial
FRIEND: $1,000-$2,499 per concert (donor’s name on the concert program cover and selection page, recognition at the start of the concert, free display ad in concert program)
SPONSOR: $2,500-$4,999 per concert (donor’s name on the program cover and selection page, recognition at the start of the concert, free display ad in concert program, company logo on a 16-by-20 placard on display at the venue)
BENEFACTOR: $5,000 and up per concert (donor’s name on the program cover and selection page, recognition at the start of the concert, free display ad in concert program, company logo on a 16-by-20 placard on display at the venue and a permanent engraved plaque for display at company headquarters)
Throughout our concert season, there are opportunities for volunteers who would like to lend their time and talents. Please contact us for more details.
All gifts are tax deductible